That doesn't mean that I'm hoping for an endless Winter. I do look forward to seeing the buds on the trees and the grass turning green. So here, a little less emphatically, is my list of 10 reasons why I am (mostly) ready for Winter to be over.
- I'm sooooo not a fan of Winter coats
- All the salt from the roads looks nasty on my dark blue car
- I can't wait to see my bulbs start to push up through the soil.
- I really want to take Miss M to the park and watch her play on the swings.
- Softball!!!
- Flip flops - they go much better with pretty toes than sneakers do.
- Open up that sunroof!
- I'll be less nervous about my teen driver without icy roads.
- No more sniffles - I'm so tired of runny noses
- Cherry blossoms!
What are you looking forward to?