Jan 5, 2006


I looked at last night's post when I got to work today and realized that I left out the picture of the beaded edge on Daria's sweater. I'm pretty sure that this isn't the last time that I'll have reason to call a post "Duh".

I totally admit that I suck at taking pictures. I don't think that it has anything to do with the camera although it would be great if I had someone or something else to blame. Basically I just suck at photography. I am so jealous of people who can take a picture that actually captures their vision.

On to the point of this post - the beads are cute! you can't really tell from the picture because, as I said earlier, I take shitty pictures, but trust me - the beads are cute. I was so proud of myself for getting them on there and correctly spaced too. I really want her to wear it!

Well, I'm off to NYC for Girls Weekend. I think that the plan is to eat and shop our way through the city. Not a bad plan. Sadly I don't see any yarn stores in the cards for this weekend but you never know - better take my handy guide from Knitters. It always comes with me when I travel. I whipped it out at Dulles Airport last year while I was waiting for a plane. There was a woman there who was knitting so, 'natch, we had to compare notes. She was saying that she had no idea if there were any yarn stores where she was going so what was I to do? I whipped out the guide and checked it out for her. Posted by Picasa

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