On the other hand... I am just so tired of this project. Don't get me wrong - I love the pattern and I'm absolutely sure I'll love the shawl when it's finished. I just feel tethered to it. I'm feeling the MASSIVE OLYMPIC PRESSURE! The rows are super-long now and I still have to focus intensely on each of them (though it's getting better).
This would all be fine if I didn't have to work all day and tomorrow wasn't the day that I have to pick up the Troop Girl Scout cookie order. I'll spend the rest of the week and weekend handing them out the the other parents. I am supposed to go out to see a movie tomorrow night but I'm tempted not to go so I can stay home and work on DFS. MUST. FINISH. ON. TIME. It's sick - right? Maybe a night out is just the thing I need to clear my head so that I can return to DFS nice and fresh. Ya think?
Oh, and check out how much yarn is left. I completed repeat 7 last night. What do you think? Will I have enough? I can judge spaces well visually but yarn... not so much. So again I panic just a little.
What is DFS?