May 19, 2006

More Embossed Leaves

It’s official now… I am addicted to sock knitting. At 10 o’clock on Wednesday night, when I finished the Stinky socks, I immediately cast on again. What did I start? Well, truly there were way too many ideas cluttering up my brain so I went with the one that had the strongest pull and started another pair of Embossed Leaves socks. I guess that there are just some patterns that speak to you and this one calls my name loud and clear. I love that the pattern which I find easy and intuitive looks so detailed. As you can see I’m moving along pretty quickly on these and I’ll turn the heel today without a doubt. The yarn is Sundara’s Seaweed. I knew that it would be perfect for the EL pattern as soon as I saw it.
2nd EL Sox
Just in case you’re wondering if I’m doing anything at all besides socks I’ll mention the U-Neck top which is moving along nicely itself. I’m nearly finished with the back and I hope to start the front over the weekend.

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Beautiful! Those are going to be some great socks. That pattern is so lovely, and the yarn, well, it's stunning.

  2. Looks great! I love the yarn colors.


So what do you think?