Finally, one bright and sunny day she stumbled into the LYS and there, upon a gilded shelf she spied the perfect shades of green and snapped them up in an instant. They were not too bluish, not to yellowy, not too thick or thin… it was a sign that the sweater was meant to be. Happily the knitter carried the precious fibers home and consulted the magical screen to divine the identity of the purpley fiber that would complete the palette.
At last the missing skeins arrived and the knitting began in earnest. The needles flew as the ribbing was completed. Then the majestic purple yarn was joined and it became obvious that something was amiss. The colors were off! In horror the knitter cast aside the offending sweater and sought solace in socks… many, many, socks.
As the days went by and the piles of socks grew, the knitter regained her strength and the will to, once again, search for the perfect lavender hue. Suddenly, it appeared in the land of Elann, not one but three lovely yarns. Did she dare? Could one of them really be the one? With high hopes she once again ordered yarn – the correct amounts in ALL THREE SHADES! (What? It’s not as if the extras will go to waste.)
With great excitement the offending stitches were frogged and the knitter contemplated the 3 new options. Lighter? Darker? Pinkish? Bluish? Would the story have a happy ending? Would balance and harmony among the colors ever be achieved?
Stay tuned!
Here’s a quick peek at my MDS&W haul. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow – I promise!
The suspense is killing me. Looks like you made quite a haul!