Jun 5, 2006


Regatta 2 This weekend was good and productive but it went by way to quickly. There were errands to run and events to attend so the DH and I spent most of the time going in opposite directions. That’s why he got to take the Drama Queen and her friend to the Cardboard Boat Regatta yesterday while I attended the end of year party for Stinkerbelle’s Brownie Troop. Here’s a shot of Lindsey and a few friends in the boat they built. As you can see, it stayed afloat. Sadly, I heard that the team’s rowing was lacking and they didn’t win. Better luck next year!

Trek 1I did a lot of knitting this weekend too. This is the Trekking sock that I started on Saturday. After I took this picture I realized that I wasn’t terribly happy with the shape of the toe so I frogged it and started over. It was pretty painless though because, as promised, I used the Turkish cast on to start it and I really love this technique. Does anyone know a downside to it? I’m sure that there must be because it’s so sweeeeeet! If there was no flaw then everyone would do it all the time. I started again twice since I took this picture yesterday afternoon and now I’m happy with the toe shape. I wouldn’t have this problem with the toe if I was using a pattern but, after reading what the Harlot had to say about socks in Knitting Rules, something clicked and I feel ok about striking off on my own so I'm totally winginig it for the first time.

SoxI haven’t completely abandoned patterns though and I cast on a pair of Elfine’s Socks. Did you catch that? I cast on both at once for these using the Turkish method that is described here. I’m not big on the Magic Loop so I did my usual 2 circs and I’m loving it so far. I envisioned the 2 yarn balls getting hopelessly tangled but it’s all good so far.

There was other knitting (and frogging) this weekend but I’ll save that for tomorrow.


  1. I don't think there is a downside to the Turkish Cast On:) Once you get a hang of the 2 needles and the 2 ball of yarn it is the only way to knit, IMHO:)

    Stick with it I bet you will love it!

  2. I love those "anything that floats" races! Very cool... too bad they didn't win, maybe next time!


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