Jul 13, 2006

Trekking at Biltmore

We arrived at Biltmore on a gorgeous, sunny day. The sock was surprised to find that, from a distance, it really doesn’t look so huge. It’s big but not as imposing as you’d expect. On the inside it just goes on and on and on.
Biltmore & Sock

I wish I could show you more of the inside but there is no photography allowed. This is the Winter Garden that is right inside the building – just off the main entry. It’s so grand. The thing that struck me about Biltmore is that it is huge and fabulously well appointed but not uncomfortable. I couldn’t help but think of Hearst Castle which I found cold and uninviting. Here I felt warmth. It’s easy to imagine this house as a home. It must have been a wonderful place to be back in the day.
Winter gardenWinter garden ceiling

As we all know, rules are made to be broken. How could I not take a picture of this? Proof of knitting at Biltmore! (It was in the sitting area of the 4th floor servant’s quarters.)
Biltmore yarn

Unfortunately, there really wasn’t enough time for us to see all of Biltmore. When the tour was over we went outside to peek at the gardens and gasped when we saw the posted directory. There was just enough time to take a quick stroll along this lovely covered walk.
B-more stroll

And see this statue on the patio outside the main building.
B-more statue

You could wander the grounds for days and not see it all! Thankfully, the route that you have to take to the exit winds throughout the landscape and took us right past the conservatory where I snapped these pictures. They’ll serve as a reminder of all that I missed and why I must go back.
B-more gardensb-more gardens 2


  1. Looks like the sock had a good time.

  2. I love the Biltmore! Have you seen either of the movies filmed there? ("The Swan" with Grace Kelly, and "Being There" with Peter Sellers.)
    What a fun place to bring your sock!

  3. I have always wanted to go there. Looks like you had a blast!


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