Jul 7, 2006

The U-Neck Top - Finished!

U Neck Top 1

Are you shocked! I finished something and - gasp! - it’s not a pair of socks. You are looking at pictures of Lindsey’s new U-Neck Top. I finished the seaming (which I still hate very, very much) late last night and this morning she kindly agreed to submit to a quick, early morning photo shoot. It was important to do it this morning because she’ll be packing it in her bags to take to camp. Can you believe it’s that time already? Lindsey, Felicia and I will be road-tripping tomorrow. We are heading south to North Carolina where the Drama Queen will spend the next month.

This is the month of the year that DQ and all her buddies live for. (One friend from camp is so excited that she’s called the past 2 nights to giggle and plan.) She spends the rest of the year pining for her friends and reminiscing about the past summer via long-distance phone calls. (why not by e-mail or snail mail? I don't know.) Having never gone to sleep-away camp as a kid (aside from a week here and there at Girl Scout camp) I get a special thrill on opening day as all the cars roll in from states near and far. The kids, who come from places as diverse as Florida, Texas, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Spain, Venezuela and Puerto Rico among others greet each other with a joy that’s infectious. I love that my daughter is a part of this.

Anyway, I’ll be leaving tomorrow at o’dark-thirty to drive the eight hours to camp. Thankfully I’ll have good company and we will be incorporating a little bit of r&r into the trip. I will be trekking at Biltmore in Asheville!

Back to the U-Neck Top…

U Neck Top 3 Pattern: U-Neck Top fron VK Spring/Summer ‘06
Yarn: Elann Sonata and King Tut
Dates: 4/31/06 – 7/6/06

Notes: I did not make the little flower things shown in the picture because I just didn’t like them that much. I’m also still looking for just the right ribbon for the eyelets. I found some to use around the neck for now but it’s not quite right. I’ll keep searching and replace it in the future.

I knew when I saw this that it would be perfect for the Drama Queen - and it is - but I wish the pattern was better. There are a bunch of errors in it – most notably the neck instructions. I knew as soon as I saw it that it was wrong but I kept looking at it and thinking “is it just me?” As I finished it up last night I questioned whether it was worth it but, looking at it on the DQ I think that the answer is surely yes.

U Neck Top 2

I hope to post during my road trip but it depends on the internet access available. Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!


  1. wow--it's awesome! Great job Hill.

  2. That looks great on DQ! Congrats!

    Have a fun and safe roadtrip!

  3. She looks so cute! You did a wonderful job!


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