Nov 10, 2006

Eye Candy Friday 11-9

Stink Art
Last week the Drama Queen supplied my eye candy for Friday so it’s only fitting that this week Stinkerbelle does the honors. This is a sample of her artwork that I saw when I visited the school this past Monday for her parent teacher conference. This year in school they study insects and this is her representation of a cricket. What amuses me most is the overwhelming pinkness. Stink-o is so not a pink kid. She loves purple, blue, turquoise –not pink.

The meeting went as I expected with no unpleasant surprises. It’s nice to hear her teachers talk about how bright she is. Clearly they see the same things in her that I do. By the way, thanks for all of the warm wishes for Stink. She’s feeling much better now. Although we love her red hair we do not love the sensitivities and allergies that go along with it.

Kristi's Yarn How ‘bout this for a little Friday eye candy bonus? It arrived yesterday from Kristi. I posted the 1500th comment on her blog recently and I was rewarded with yummy chocolate and yarn that she dyed herself. She is so talented.

This weekend we may obtain a loom for Stink. It’s kind of a long story so I’ll wait till next week to share it. It’s all good though.

I have to thank you all for your comments about my chin photography. Don't be too impressed - you have no idea how many really lousy shots I had to take to get those two.

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. That yarn is gorgeous! I bet the chocolate was yummy too.
    Love the eye candy. What a bright and cheery picture!


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