Jan 9, 2007

Dedos en Fuego!

I know that I could have stuck to english but what fun is it to say Fingers on Fire? Dedos en Fuego sounds so much better. Ok, ok, that's not really the whole reaon I chose to call them that. As my dear Drama Queen knows only too well, I'll do anything to get her to speak a little Spanish for me. I am so proud of her fluency.

Dedos en Fuego

Anyway, I have been planning these fingerless gloves for quite a while and, now that they're done I am so happy that I waited and got it right. The first yarn I bought didn't thrill me. iwanted superwash in nice crisp shades. I finally settled on Dale Baby Ull which I doubled throughout.

Dedos en Fuego with attitude

The basics of the pattern are an amalgamation of features from different patterns I've seen. In a nutshell I cast on 32 stitches in the round, did 2 inches of 2x2 rib in red and then began the flame chart that I found on Pink Lemon Twist's blog. It was the perfect fit for what I had in mind. I added a thumb 4 rows from the end by knitting 7 stitches on waste yarn and then slipping them back to the left needle and continuing the pattern. After finishing the chart I did another solid knit row of black before 1 inch of 2x2 rib in black. After that I picked up the stitches held by the waste yarn (7 on bottom & 6 on top) and added 5 more divided between the sides of the hole. The thumb took 5 quick rows of 1x1 rib and I was done!

Dedos en Fuego with joy

Thankfully it finally got cold here today because Stinkerbelle is wearing these gloves to school no matter what. She more or less ordered me to finish them last night. (in a charming and respectful way.) She didn't want me to help with homework or change the channel on the tv - nothing that would interfere with my knitting. Thank goodnes they are superwash wool because I suspect that I'll be washing them often. I also have plenty og yarn left over in case I need to knit a replacement.

Ratty VansDon't they go well with her ratty old Vans and hat - not to mention the flaming red hair? Let's hope that she is gentler with the gloves.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love the attitude! Those gloves are geat.

  3. How did I miss this yesterday? I know someone here who would love those!. A very cute model btw! Thanks for the kind words! I don't sew any more. No patience! And I'm really not that good at it. Besides, cuts into knitting time! Not leaving Blogger, I do have another name with them though. Kinda like a blooming stage I guess (?) I do see some fire in my knitting future though :-)


So what do you think?