Feb 7, 2007

Snow Day!

Snow Day It snowed here last night. Not a lot - just and inch or two in most places but here that means they shut it all down. Yep! My kids have a snow day today. I'm sure this news will thrill them when they finally wake up.

I took a picture front the front door of my house this morning and it gives you a pretty good idea of why the schools are closed. Our street is totally clear but the street in front of us is not. This is representative of most of the county.

While I'm sure that my girls will enjoy the snow day, it comes at an interesting time with both positives and negatives. On the positive side, Stink-o has a big project due tomorrow with oral, visual and written componenents. We could really use the extra time to polish it up. On the negative side, today was supposed to be report card day. The Drama Queen was expecting some excellent grades but she'll have to wait an extra day to share them with us. I'm sure that Stink's report card will be good too but DQ was predicting mostly A's. She's very studius and competitive.

This school year has actually been pretty good to my girls so far. Stink-o is making excellent progress with her reading and found that she has strengths in other areas like math. She also joined the Chess Club which she loves. Her mind is sharp and she's good at the type of thinking required for the game.

The Drama Queen had many new musical electives available to her this year. One of them was the chorus at her school and they do 2 productions each year. The first is a Winter concert and it passed just a few weeks ago. The second has an element of drama to it and late last week they posted the speaking parts - DQ has one! She's got lines on multiple pages. Obviously she's thrilled.

I've been doing lot's of fibery stuff this week so the lack of fibery content in todays post is not due to having nothing to say - it's for my sister. Jessica told me yesterday that there's been too much knitting on my knitting blog lately so this content is just for her. It's nice to catch up on other stuff from time to time anyway.

Oh, and here's a little something for my blogless buddy Felicia, who is obsessed with Maryland Sheep & Wool:

I gotta go grab my socks in process fire up my laptop now since I'll be knitting working from home today. Hehehe!


  1. You know I'm kinda crabby that you got a snow day for that right? I should've gotten a cold day at the very least by now.
    *grumbles loudly*

    Have fun knitting, I mean working from home ;)

  2. Road trip to MD for sure this year! Enjoy the snow!

  3. snow days - I recall loving them as a kid - like manna from heaven!


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