Mar 1, 2007

ECF - Purim Edition

Here's a little literal Eye Candy.

Purim Eye Candy

It's Purim which is like the Jewish equivalent of Halloween - kind of. One of the things that we do to celebrate is give mishloach manot which are baskets of treats. At least that's what you do if you're not lame and forgetful like me. Our synagogue puts these together every year and we just need to give them a list of who we want to send them to (and a little cash of course). The first year I totally spaced it, I didn't even catch the notice but my friends did and they sent us a basket. Last year I made a concerted effort to remember and sent them to a few friends. This year I reverted to form and completely forgot again. I am lame. The cool thing is that the gift basket that we received was from a whole bunch of friends who we wouldn't expect to have sent one to us. We feel loved.

Not only do I feel loved but I feel stylish right now because I went to get my hair done today. It was way overdue and my favorite Drama Queen had been pointing it out regularly. "Mommy, you can really see the grey when you put you hair in a headband." Gee thanks! So I went to get it cut and highlighted and I was early! You have no idea how huge that is. I've been going to the same hairdresser since before Stink-o was born and I can count on one hand the number of times I've been early - and have fingers left over! I'm rarely even on time. Wouldn't you know it - he was running late? He said that when he realized tht he was running late he checked his schedule, saw that I was next, and figured that he had time because I'm always late. What can I say - he's right.


  1. That looks like a wonderful basket of goodies. What a thoughtful tradition.

  2. Nice tradition! Sounds like me in that I'm always on time, but I may forget the event. I even took my daughter to a Dr appointment that I found out was for me. Pure brain drain.

  3. So glad you posted this. I saw this holiday in my calendar and was wondering what it was! Thanks!

  4. looks like you'll enjoy those yummies.
    funny how people get to know our patterns, eh? :-)


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