Mar 8, 2007

ECF - Snowy Edition

I used a different picture of the same birdhouse (edited to note that this is a birdhouse, not a mailbox - duh!) for a recent Eye Candy Friday but how can you resist this one with the snow on it?
Snow on Birdhouse

It's the perfect picture for today since we're heading to Canada this afternoon. What are the chances we'll see snow there - 100%. We're going for a family wedding and I'm so excited because I'll get to spend the weekend with my brother and sister and their families. We all live in different states so we don't get to see each other as often as we'd like.

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by.


  1. What a pretty picture! Have a blast this weekend.

  2. Have a good weekend, I'm sure there will be some sock pics waiting for you when you return!

  3. Great picture! Hope you had a terrific time with your family!

  4. Great picture! It never even attempted snow here this year.


So what do you think?