Apr 29, 2007

Weekend Field Trip

The deadline looms for the project for my office so I took home paperwork and my laptop and proceeded to find other things to do all weekend long. It was not so good for the work but really good for fiber play. Oh yeah!

IMG_0949I spun and knit all through the weekend but I did take time out on Sunday to accompany my favorite Drama Queen on a field trip with her religious school. They went to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and it was the first time that DQ had been there. She's been on a tear lately, reading all of the holocaust related books that she can find, so it was the perfect timing for her.

We didn't see it all. Some kids are more ready for it than others so the organizers planned cautiously and kept the kids away from the really rough stuff. We just took her class through a section called Daniel's Story which tells about the Holocaust through a fictional child's eyes. The exhibit consists of a series of rooms that are arranged to represent the progression from a happy home in Germany to a concentration camp. Along the way you can see how the rights and privileges were taken away even before moving to the ghetto and later to the concentration camp.

We also went to the Hall of Remembrance. All of the kids and adults lit candles to remember those who lost their lives. This is the ceiling of that room.


I'm sure that what they saw today will stay with DQ and her class for a long time.

On a totally unrelated note, this weekend was Round 5 of Sock Madness and we are now down to 4. It seems unbelievable that we've already arrived at this point.


  1. I'm sure the museum must be quite moving. Thanks for sharing what you could.

  2. A sad truth about about humanity that our kids need to learn.

  3. The new "blocker" is a "Sweater Dryer". It would have to be a child's size with the arms folded across though:) It's great for small blocking though.


So what do you think?