May 13, 2007

The Best Things in Life

How was your weekend? I hope it was as nice as mine was.

Mothers Day Gifts

Hubbo got me a really nice gift but the real treasures I received for Mother’s Day are these gifts that my daughters gave me. Is there anything better than a poem from your child or a coupon good for snuggles from an 8-year-old? Not for me. Notice that the Drama Queen decorated the frame of her poem with fiber that she got at Mud Fest last fall.

This weekend was so nice. We had great weather and I planted a whole bunch of herbs and veggies. I’d show you the patch but it doesn’t look like much right now. It’s kind of a loose garden with improper spacing and a random assortment of things. I’ve never been good at these things so I’ll be thrilled if anything remotely edible results from our efforts. One nice zucchini or one perfect pepper would be great.

I knit a lot this weekend and I’m really close to having a finished object. I’ll show it to you as soon as it’s completed but meanwhile, feel free to guess what it could be. It’s a UFO from last year that I was feeling indecisive about for quite a long time. It was a nice break from socks.

Speaking of socks, Sock Madness finished off this weekend. Kristi R was the ultimate winner. She is wicked fast and I think she may knit in her sleep. I’m sure that I’ll have more to say about that soon but not today. I think that after all of the effort that I put into Sock Madness, it’s still kind of hard to imagine that it’s complete


  1. I'm glad your weekend was great - knitting and gardening sounds good to me. Sock Madness was a great time, thanks again for all your hard work.

  2. How sweet! Those coupons are too cute!

  3. Those are the best kind of gifts for sure! Happy Mother's day! I'm sure your garden will give you some goodies; I look forward to your sucess. I haven't been reading you that long, so I couldn't say what you're finishing, judging how fast you produce such nice socks, I'll bet it's a doozy! Is that how you spell doozy?;)


So what do you think?