May 7, 2007

Happy Birthday Stinkerbelle and Jessica!

Thirty four years ago today I became a big sister for the first time. I was not much more than 3 at the time so you'll have to excuse me if i don't recall too much about the event. I love my sister, Jessica, and I'm sure it was very exciting.

I remember the events of this date eight years ago far better. That's the day that I became a mother for the second time. I remember that before by Stinkerbelle arrived, I worried a lot. I think all parents do. When you have the first child you just know that you're going to adore them. Child number two is a little more interesting because you feel like the first is so incredibly wonderful that you could never quite repeat that success.

D with tons of hair

The Drama Queen was such a great baby. Very easy and so amazing in every way and I couldn't imagine how any other baby could be as wonderful. Then Stink arrived and she was a surprise from the moment I saw her red hair. She is as different from her sister as night and day but so marvelous in her own right.

D in the sun

She's so full of the joy of life. She's strong and independent. She has so much empathy and concern for others but, at the same time, she's not motivated by external influences and she doesn't let stuff get her down. She is one of the most amazing people I know.

Elemental CupcakesEvery year, for my girls' birthdays, I make way too many cupcakes and I try to decorate them in a way that reflects my daughters' interests and personality. This year, Stinkerbelle wanted fire and water - the elements. I hope this works for her. I made about 40 of them. Yes, I know that there are only 23 kids in her class but better too many than too few. Right? And of course half are chocolate and half are vanilla - something for everyone.

Happy Birthday to my sister and my daughter. To everyone else, I'll start to tell you all about MDS&W and why Mr. Lendrum must think I'm a loon tomorrow.


  1. She's beautiful. Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday to Stinkerbelle!

  3. Sucha beautiful daughter!! Happy Birthday to her and your sister!

  4. Happy Birthday Stinkerbelle! And Happy Birthday Jessica! You describe the arrival of the 2nd child so perfectly!

  5. Happy, happy,happy birthday to your darling redhead! She's a cutie!


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