Jun 11, 2007

Knitting Twisty Handspun

I remember a time not too long ago when I found endless reasons to take pictures of the sky.

Puffy Clouds

Lately the sky hasn't been terribly inspiring but today I looked up and saw these happy, puffy clouds and I couldn't wait to get a good shot. Don't you think they look happy? Maybe it's just me.

People at work keep congratulating me on "getting out" and commenting on how excited I must be. I am excited about the new job because I think it's going to be great but right now, what I feel most is relief. I can go to work this week at the SSJFH without feeling dread and it's extremely liberating. I haven't told too many people at the office that I'm leaving because it feels too much like gloating so, instead, I sit at my desk trying to wrap things up and I grin from ear to ear.

Handspun Flower Basket Shawl StartsI started a little something new tonight. This is going to be a Flower Basket Shawl for DQ. I'm not sure if I mentioned that I planned to do this or not. Since I finished Seraphim, I've allowed DQ to use it twice. I bought her a bright blue dress for the summer that looks killer on her but it's sleeveless. I lent her Seraphim when she wore it to Temple recently because it's air conditioned and bare shoulders were not quite right. Suddenly, as I looked at her in my shawl it occurred to me that the blue handspun would go really well with the dress and the idea for this shawl was born.

I started the shawl last night and I got through the first chart and one repeat of the second. DQ is so excited! As I knit, I'm sure that she's thinking of how great she'll look in the shawl. I'm thinking of how far my spinning has come since I spun this yarn. It's really twisty in spots and it doesn't have quite the hand that my more recent yarn does. I think that a really nice long bath after it's finished will help a lot. It doesn't matter though because DQ is already in love with it. She keeps petting it as I knit.


  1. That will be a wonderful shawl for DQ. Isn't it great how shawls move so quickly in the beginning? LOL

  2. That'll be a fantastic shawl for DQ and all the more special because you also spun the yarn.

  3. Can't wait to see the finished product

  4. Lucky DQ! And congrats on the new job!!! I didn't even know. (Like I live next door or something)


So what do you think?