Jul 12, 2007

ECF - Inside Out Edition

As much as I love taking pictures of stuff from the right side, every now and again, I find that the wrong side is every bit as compelling. When I went to take a picture of this flower in my yard the other day I just had this urge to catch the light in the petals. I love the way you can see all of the veins in them. What do you think?

Flower Veins

We hit W*lmart tonight and bought a bunch of stuff on the list. This trip didn't count against the official number because we haven't left home yet and that's a really good thing because as soon as we got home we remembered a few more things - a new shower caddy, a bathrobe... I'm sure there's more that I'm forgetting. There always is.

I was thinking of doing a little contest to see how many times you think we'll have to hit the big W but I hate to even think about going there more than once. On the other hand, my sock yarn shelf is overflowing. Really! Ok, post your guesses in the comments and, when I get back I'll choose someone at random to help me thin the herd.

All joking aside, I do think that we're pretty well packed now. I've got maps and reservations and all kinds of fun plans for stuff to do along the way to NC. The girls and I are splitting the trip down into 2 equal segments and we'll start the first one bright and early on Saturday morning. Who knows... there may even be time to stop at a yarn store or 2 along the way. Hmmm...

There'll be no blogging here till at least Tuesday because I'll be on the road until late Monday night. Have a great weekend and send good travel vibes my way. Thanks!


  1. I'm gonna guess that you're a bit more organized this year and you'll only have to go twice :-)

    Have safe travels and we'll look forward to your return!

    Oh, and the flower - gorgeous!!! Indeed the veins are a fantastic :-)

  2. You'll have to go at least 3 more times - - that last trip will include a list ;)

    Have a great trip & we'll talk when you return next week.

  3. I love the flower shot! I think you'll have to go to The Big W once.

  4. Here's the good travel vibes~~~~~
    I do like the other side of that flower, the flip sides can alway hide a gem! I'm guessing 3 trips to the big W allowing for 1 little afterthought. Have a great trip, see you Tuesday!

  5. Hill, I guess 3, but I think I'm in good company as it seems several others do, too. I'd say 3 and a wish to go 4 times but you'll nix the 4th trip!

  6. I'm going to guess that you'll have to go twice - by then you'll be so sick of it that you'll find another place if you need anything else. I hope you have a great trip!


So what do you think?