Sep 23, 2007


Whew! I am so relieved that this weekend is over. I have accepted that I have a problem. I am a bake-a-holic. When i get started I just can't stop. The picture below is evidence.

Do you see the abundance of food? This is what things looked like after everyone ate. Leftovers! I made a spinach quiche, egg salad, tuna sald, 2 blintz souffles and 3 cakes! I only really planned to make the Brownie Cheesecake but then I thought that another simple cake - a chocolate bread - might be nice too. Suddenly, it occurred to me that all the desserts were chocolate so, at the very last minute, I whipped up a lemon cake just for good measure. I really don't know what I was thinking. If you look carefully at the picture, you can see that neither the chocolate bread or the lemon cake was cut into. It's a shame too because they were really yummy. The Brownie Cheesecake was another story altogether. I have to say, that thing is a real crowd pleaser. It went fast.


  1. Looks like you won't have to cook for a while. Can you freeze the ones that didn't get touched? Then you'll be ahead of the game for the next holiday.

  2. Sounds like a problem I have! I'm craving baking (and used to maintain I wasn't a baker, but just a cook) after not running the oven all summer. But I'm trying to pace myself and not bake the next thing on my list until the prior one is gone. But, it has been hard to stay that disciplined. I'm sure I would done something similar if we were having guests.


So what do you think?