Sep 16, 2007

Mmmm .... cheesecake!

Thank you all so much for the kind holiday and birthday wishes. I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend. Hubbo had a nice but quiet birthday. I was not 100% and that put a bit of a damper on things. Nothing gross - just painful and miserable. Thankfully I'm feeling a lot better now.
So often we are told by our fellow bloggers about how much they get from blogland. We get advice, we get patterns, we get companionship and support. Rarely is there such yummy evidence. A while ago a bloggy buddy told me that one of her favorite daily reads is Smitten Kitchen so, I had to check it out. Don't click over if you're reading this before lunch because that blog will make you really hungry. She posts all manner of musings about food with gorgeous photography. I lot of it is really tempting but I just don't have the opportunity to try everything. One recent post called out to me. Screamed is more like it. In it she described a the cake that she made for her husband's recent birthday. It had my dh's name written all over it.
Do you see this cake? It's a cheesecake. With BROWNIES in it... and chocolate ganache on top! Yum! It didn't last long but until it was gone the family ate it morning noon and night. It was one of the yummiest cheesecakes ever.


  1. now my blueberry yogurt seems really icky.....that cake looks fantastic!

  2. I had to leave another comment! The letter verification for the 1st one started with ekg! ~snort~


So what do you think?