Felicia and I went to Stitches today for some desperately needed fiber therapy. We brought Felicia's baby with us and that provided a whole lot of fun because she was well behaved and got tons of attention everywhere she went. It seems that nobody could resist her adorable, chubby, baby cheeks. We both got some fun stuff and I stayed mostly to the list I brought with me. It was all good.
We arrived in Baltimore to a sea of Ravens fans. They were everywhere... including our favorite lot near the convention center. When we arrived they were already in full party mode with their grills fired up and their beer on ice. The attendant had to move a few of them out of the way so that we could park. Not only did their tailgating get in the way, the football game caused the lot to jack up their price from the usual $15.00 to $25.00! Ugh.
As much as the fans presence frustrated us, we totally confused them. As we left the car, a bunch of them called out to us wondering what we were going to see at the convention center. We told them it was a yarn show but as we walked away we heard them hehind us.... "Did they say a yard show?" "I think they said yarn show." "Yarn show? Huh?" It made no sense to them at all.
After all of our shopping we returned to the lot to find a really amusing sight. I really wish I had a picture to show you but I'm still not quite myself yet so when Felicia started calling to me - "picture!" I totally spaced it. Anyway, I'll try to paint a mental picture of what we saw.
As we arrived at the lot, we saw purple clad Raven's fans everywhere and many of them were crowded at the exit of the lot we parked in. They were watching a truck towing a small U-haul trailer try to get out of the lot but it was having trouble. No matter how many times it backed up, tried to straighten out or otherwise adjusted itself the result was the same and it hit a metal pole. I immediately noted that the truck had New York plates which told me that the driver had to be a stitches vendor rather than a Ravens fan. Some of the fotball fans were already in their cars - behind the truck. They were all blocked in and getting frustrated.
Suddenly, a group of guys all decked out in purple jerseys approached the trailer. They seemed like they may have had a beer or two so we worried just a bit about where this was going. They told the driver they could fix the problem and then, as we all watched, they reached down, lifted the trailer and moved it a few feet to the right. It was great! As the truck drove away, we heard one of the guys ask what was in the trailer. He called out "I know there's something in there that I'd like." We laughed so hard because I'm pretty sure this guy had no idea what was in there. I'm guessing it was yarn.
That's a very funny story. Maybe we should start tailgating at our fiber events!