Jan 31, 2008

Knit With The TV On

Thanks for all of the nice comments about my B. I told Stinkerbelle that you all thought that her Broccoli Pasta sounded good and it made her day.(It doesn't take much sometimes) She was so happy that she did a little fist pumping "Whoop!"

DSC_0168As Carole said yesterday, secret knitting projects like Sock madness test-knitting don't really make for great blog fodder. I'll post more about this and other test knits over on the Sock Madness blog soon but I really love this sock so I thought I'd share an itty bitty sneak peek.

Other stuff I'm working on if either a surprise for someone or not quite ready for public viewing. On the postitive side, many of these projects are nearing completion so I suspect that there will be a parade of finished objects at some point.

One of the things that if helping me maintain steady progress on all of my active projects are the shows I've been watching. I haven't been affected by the writers strike as much as I thought I would. Project Runway is still fun. I thought that I liked Rami at first but now I'm not so sure. L&O has finally started a new season and in an unexpected but pleasant twist, Dexter, which appears on a pay channel that I don't get, is going to be shown on network tv starting on February 17th. Yay!

There is one new tv obsession that is kind of unexpected. Masterpiece! As a kid, my parents would watch it and I dismissed it as an adult show. No thank you! Someone mentioned recently that they are showing The Complete Jane Austen so I settled in to watch it a few weeks ago and, to my surprise, DQ joined me. She asked what it was and, as I explained the types of stories J.A wrote - young women searching for love - I realized that they are perfect for the tween set. DQ loves it so much that she demanded that I not watch without her and she is taking the books out of the library. It's so nice to share it with her.


  1. I think that's terrific that you and your daughter are enjoying Jane Austen together. Kudos to you for this one!

  2. DQ has good taste. I love these little "togetherness" surprises that happen every once in a while. I won't even comment on your being a tease showing little bits of knits ;-)

  3. I've really enjoyed the Masterpiece shows too - I was surprised how much better Mansfield Park was in this rendition than in the earlier one I saw from a few years back.


So what do you think?