Jan 10, 2008

My DC - Week 2

As I looked at my modest collection of pictures of My DC I thought about themes and tried to come up with a plan for how the pitures each Friday will relate to each other. I still have no firm plan. I expect that there will be days when i show lots of views of the same building, days when it's all about windows or doors or statuary. Today I've got 2 rooflines.

They're both very ornate but very different.

Look at those blue skies. Much better than the grayness outside. I hope that you have sunshine where you are.

If you're interested in other views of DC you can see the ones posted by Sprite or Sweet Pea. Frederick, Maryland is being presented by Mia. Some have said that their My Wherever posts will be a little more sporadic but I still look forward to them. Cursing Mama will show us her very special view of Minnesota and Kristi's gorgeous pictures will probably make us all love Fort Collins, Colorado. If you need a little something to make you think warm thoughts then you'll want to see what Carol's got to show us from sunny Florida. Do you have something to share?


  1. Alas, it's grey here today too. Your blue skies are just the thing to make me smile!

  2. I failed on my first day! I got it now though, and I'm on it! I miss northern buildings and how as you said, ornate and historic they are. Time to start shutterbugging!

  3. Nice photos -- I love rooflines, and the skies this week surely were beautiful. I've been here almost ten years, and I'm still madly in love with (and slightly amazed by) how much blue sky and sunshine there is here in the winter, even when it's cold. It's so much more pleasant than winters in the northeast, where I am from.


So what do you think?