Feb 26, 2008

Nearly A Ram

Does this look like a middle schooler to you?

L at MV

Last night was orientation for the parents of incoming middle schoolers and it was such and education for me. The school my daughter will attend is enormous. It has a population of nearly 4000! Granted, it goes from 7-12 but that is huge by any standards. My high school graduating class was only about 300+.

The size wasn't the only surprise. The elective offerings have evolved too. They don't have Industrial Arts or shop as we called it - they have Tech and the students make CO2 cars that they test in wind tunnels and learn how to design tools with computers. The band competes each year in Busch Gardens and elsewhere. They even have a class for kids who love to read where that's pretty much all they do - read what they like. It's for kids who "don't have enough time in their day to read for pleasure." They made middle school sound like so much fun which is saying a lot considering that I hated school.

* The Rams are the school mascot.


  1. Sounds like she'll have some wonderful opportunities coming up.

  2. Whoops. I'm logged into Sock Madness again.

  3. Wow, that sounds terrific! That is a great photo you took too!

  4. She's beautiful!

    I'd be lost in a school that size; my graduating class was all of about 105 students.

  5. I will admit that big schools scare the heck out of me & it was a factor in determining where the kiddos would go to school. Not the only factor though.

  6. They look so young like first day of Kindergarten all over again! We just can't tell them it all sounds like fun ;-) It would be really cool if we could hook up at Busch gardens some day!

  7. I hope the middle school experience is as wonderful as they have presented it. I am right there with you at not having loved mine.


So what do you think?