Feb 17, 2008

Yet More Slippers

It must seem like all I do is make slippers. I finished these about a week ago but I was waiting to post them until after they were received by my niece. She got them on Thursday.


Don't you love the contrast between the slippers which I made with KP Wool of the Andes in Grass and the actual grass which looks more like straw. Not really - I'd much rather have a lawn that retained some hint of green. It's kind of hard to find anything new to say about the third pair of slippers I've made from the pattern, Family Classic Felt Slippers. I can note that the cuffs were made holding one strand of Grass and one Strand of Asparagus together. I just love the effect that was created.

These were for my niece, Sam. She's a big fan of green like me. This completes my seeming obsession with slippers until next fall when all of these slippers are outgrown. For now I'm firmly in sock land with the occasional sweater thrown in.

Speaking of socks, the sign ups for Sock Madness started on Friday and they've been fairly brisk. That's all well and good but the thing that makes me smile is the discussion I've seen on Ravelry and comments elsewhere. People are saying that they're signing up this year because of the good things tha they heard about last year. That is such a good thing.


  1. Excellent slippers, I like the color combo a lot.

  2. Great slippers! I'm a big green fan, too.

  3. I like green too and they're really nice! I only wish I had what it takes to be part of Sock Madness. I really enjoy watching all the great socks that come of it!


So what do you think?