Mar 11, 2008


Look what we did tonight. Stinkerbelle had her first softball practice. Right here she looks focused and engaged but, during lulls in activity she was busy chatting and assigning nicknames to the other girls.

She had a great time and, although she didn't catch this particular ball, she caught others. She did a good job catching and throwing and, most importantly on this first night of practice, she took direction well. I was grinning like the proud mom that I am.

Best of all, out there on the field, she couldn't hide from my camera like her sister did the night before during her band concert. I'm not saying that DQ did it on purpose but there was a music stand directly in front of her and she rarely peeked out from behind it. She sounded really good though.

In fiber news, I noticed yesterday that the schedule of classes for this year's Maryland Sheep & Wool is posted. I shouldn' t even be telling you because I want to take at least one of these classes and I don't want to get shut out. I'm all about the sharing though so here's the link to the schedule. I've also posted a countdown ticker to the big weekend (just for you Felicia!).


  1. Great shots of Stinkerbelle at practice!

  2. must be a family thing, this hiding from teh camera. Your cousin was notorious for it for years and years ..

  3. Great shots of Stinkerbelle!


So what do you think?