Mar 19, 2008


DSC_1167I'm back!
We got home from our little getaway late last night and it was fabulous. We went away with close friends of ours and we had a wonderful and jam-packed vacation. I took tons of pictures and some of them are not half bad so I'll wait until they're uploaded and edited before I tell you much about the past few days. This picture wasn't one of the best but it works for today. That's Bosco and he belongs to our friends. The beach is Virginia Beach and it's where we spent part of our trip.
It's funny to think that yesterday it was still winter and we were standing on a beach, enjoying a warm, sunny day. Our biggest worry was trying to prevent the pails and shovels from blowing away in the strong wind that whipped up the sand and blew it in out eyes. The most important decision was what to have for dinner.
Today it's officially spring and we're home, bundled up against the cold. I'm back at work, trying to locate the desk beneath the pile of accumulated paperwork and catching up on email. Today it's not just a question of what to have for dinner but what food is actually left n the house since i didn't do grocery shopping last weekend in anticipation of our trip.


  1. I'm so glad you're back. Damn, grrl, but I sure did miss you. And not just because of the SM2 stuff, although! Sounds like take out is what's for dinner tonight.

  2. I love white dogs named cute! It looks like a wonderful spot, no wonder you had a nice time.

  3. Welcome back! I look forward to a full report!


So what do you think?