Mar 6, 2008


Picture 003This is certainly my week for bonehead moves. Tuesday night, before camera class, I felt the sudden urge to turn the yarn for my next pair of socks into a yarn cake. For no other reason than I was too lazy to get out my swift & ball winder, I decided to wind it by hand. Bad idea! I started out fine but soon became a tangled mess.

Picture 005It was handspun yarn.

If it had been anything else there is a strong possibility that I would've tossed it in a corner as punishment for misbehaving and forgotten about it for a while. It's happened before and this was a pretty snarled mess.

I was really distressed about this so last night I came home and got to work. I sat and wound and untangled through Jeopardy, American Idol, Project Runway (yay for the finale), the late news, Letterman ( a re-run- damn!), and Craig Ferguson. By the time I went to bed it was 2 am but at least the yarn was untangled.

Picture 002Any other night this would be inconvenient. Last night it was really distressing because today I have to go speak to a bunch of 6th graders for career day. I am really not a public speaker. I am the kind of person who's most comfortable sitting quietly in the back of the room observing everything. I don't know what posessed me to agree to this.

On my best days I can be expected to make a complete moron of myself when speaking to a group but when I'm running at a severe sleep deficit. OMG! What was I thinking? And this audience - I'm going to be telling a bunch of my daughter's peers about being a law librarian. Ugh! I'm sure they think this is as exciting as cleaning their room. I just hope I don't embarrass her. Please let me not trip over my own two feet in front of them.

Wake me when it's over.


  1. I can't believe it took so long to untangle the yarn - you must have been really frustrated! And you'll do great today. Librarians are exciting, didn't you hear?

  2. You are a saint to keep going until the bitter end. I can't get past the picture of buds!!


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