Apr 14, 2008

Outdoor Fun and Games

This past Friday I went on the 6th grade field trip with DQ. It was such a huge, honking, deal that she made me promise to chaperone this trip about a year ago. We went to Hemlock Overlook for a day of outdoor fun.

We were broken up into smaller groups and the kids completed a series of fun, challenging, tasks. They did the zip line and navigated a giant spider's web. There was a water feature they had to get across on a rope. All of the chaperones were nervous during that task. We were sure that one of the kids would wind up in the nasty water but they kids worked it out really cooperatively and the worst that happened was that one boy soaked his shoes and a few kids (including DQ) got the tips of their toes wet. The next group wasn't so fortunate - 2 boys totally fell in but it wasn't deep and all they got was wet.

RibbitIt was all about team building, supporting and trusting one another. The kids were divided up by the facilitators so all of the usual cliques were broken up. It was so nice to see them step away from the usual school drama for a day. The hardest thing, as a chaperone, was keeping quiet and letting the kids work out the task solutions themselves.

One of the best things was the weather. Earlier in the week they were predicting rain and nastiness but it was gorgeous and sunny all day. It was warm too - in the mid 70's. I couldn't have chosen a better day to play hooky from work! Let's hope that the next few weekends are similarly wonderful. Over the next 3 weeks, I'll be taking 2 Friday's off. Yahoo!

Not QuiteThey were also predicting torrential rain storms for the weekend which worried us because Saturday was the opening day for the girls softball league that Stinky plays in. They had all kinds of festivities planned including displays of team spirit. We were so lucky because, aside from one brief shower, it was a perfect day. They got the whole game in and all of the girls did a wonderful job. Even better - they hit the ball! Yay! It's a team for girls 8 and under so this is a very big deal. I think that this little girl will make an excellent player in the future - she couldn't wait to put a helmet on!

Stinkerbelle had so much fun that she's thinking that this may be her "thing." DQ has her dance but Stinky has tried a lot of things without falling in love. She told Hubbo and I that she loves softball. We're both thrilled but especially Hubbo - he is the coach. It's a job he's dreamed of forever. He plays in an adult league and he is so excited to share his love of the game with Stinky. I just need to remind him to pace himself and not overwhelm her with his excitement. So far - so good.


  1. Sounds like a perfect spring weekend! That's great that stinkerbelle has found something she is enjoying and how fantastic that it is a love of her dad too! Even if it doesn't stick, it'll provide her with tons of great memories!

  2. That place looks really cool. You're taking ANOTHER Friday off? Whatever for? LOL


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