May 13, 2008

Godmother's Socks

DSC_0665These are the socks that I'm wearing today. The yarn is STR in Cobalt Bloom and the pattern is Godmother's Socks by Deborah Swift. They were the 6th pattern in Sock Madness 2. I love these socks and that's kind of weird because I'm not a big fan of cuffed socks. Or pink for that matter.

One of the goals I had for Sock Madness was to provide a venue for newer designers to get exposure and this has worked very well but it usually means that many of the patterns we test need a little polish. They're great patterns but sometimes they need a little clarification. This pattern is different.

DSC_0663My love for these socks is almost totally due to the joy at following a pattern which is so perfectly written that I couldn't help but ooh and aah over it as I knit. The best word to describe it is meticulous. There are check points and references and even links to videos the designer made to accompany the tricky parts. These are all helpful because the cuff is knit right on to the sock and getting it started is a little tricky.

Look at the cuff of this sock. Look at how beautifully finished the edge is. Deborah worked this cuff out so wonderfully that when the sock is completed the only thing a knitter needs to do is graft the edges of the cuff together and weave in the ends. I'm sure I'm not doing it justice but the SM2 knitters have. They started a separate thread on the Ravelry group just to talk about the cuff and how well it works out. That's love!



  1. I've been wondering how SM2 is going. That sock is one of the cutest I've seen!!

  2. They really are fabulous. I'm going to have to knit a pair.

  3. Those are some gorgeous socks!

  4. I need to finish my round five pair, and then I want to knit these. I think I have just the yarn picked out for them. Then again, I am really interested in what round seven is going to be, and I may want to knit them at release time. I hate to bump either of my two active projects right now. I love this kind of dilemma!


So what do you think?