May 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Stinkerbelle and ECL


DSC_0646Look what I did last night. After attending DQ's chorus concert at her school I went home and baked, and baked, and baked. Birthday cupcakes are a big deal in my house and I try to come up with a different design for each batch. Apparently they are a huge hit at school and kids tell my girls that they look forward to them every year. Anyway, I believe that the final tally this year was 64 and all but 4 of them were decorated.

The occasion for these cupcakes is Stinkerbelle's 9th birthday and she's going to bring most of these to school to share with her classmates. The rest of them will be a yummy birthday snack for her team after their game tonight.

DSC_0588Daria is an amazing kid. She works so hard in school and has a natural curiosity about the world around her. She is strong and confident although she's got a wonderful soft side too. She is empathetic and loving and still one of the best snugglers in the world.

Daria is the best helper there is and loves to go with me wherever I go. Here she is at the FDR Memorial last Sunday. She decided to join Carole and I for some last minute touring. She loves to accompany me to do the grocery shopping and if I am cooking she is always at the counter helping stir things and peel things. My Stinky wants to be a pastry chef when she grows up but she is multi-talented - building with Legos, playing softball, drawing and playing a very aggressive game of chess.

Happy Birthday Daria! I love you more than words can say.

I'm sending a virtual cupcake to my sister Jess (AKA Erica Chopped Liver) too. Mwah!


  1. I don't suppose you'd consider sending me one of those overnight so I can celebrate with you guys.....

  2. Happy Birthday, Daria! I'm so glad I got to meet you. Hope you win your softball game and have fun at The Outback!

  3. Happy Belated Birthday, Daria!

    Hillary, those cupcakes are a work of art!

  4. Happy belated birthday Daria!!! I hope you're still celebrating! *<:)


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