Jun 12, 2008


I've got a bunch of random stuff today. Updates, short takes and stuff that didn't fit anywhere else.
1. I started a few things lately. I just seem to be compelled to fill all the empty needles in the house with stuff.
2. This is the beginning of the Alpine Lace Scarf from Victorian Lace Today by Jane Sowerby. I'm using Fino from Alpaca With a Twist and so far it's working out just fine. This lace is very easy to read and after just one night with it I'm starting to feel the flow. Right now I wish it was here instead of at home. My fingers are itching for lace.

3. This is the first time I'm adding beads to a shawl. I'm using the crochet hook method to add them and I really like it.
4. I have no illusions of finishing this on time to wear it with the dress to the August event. It would be nice... but not likely.
5. A little project monogamy would probably help but I don't see that happening at all.
6. There are 3 socks actively on the needles right now. This picture shows the second Monkey sock in the light green, Francie by Rebekkah Kerner in the coral, and Widdershins by Brooke Creel in the dark green.

7. The yarn for the Francie socks is Dream in Color Smooshy in Lipstick Lava. In the skein, and even balled up, it didn't look like much and I wasn't excited by it. Some parts looked kind of grey and blah. As I knit it up my appreciation grows. This stuff is lovely!
8. I also started a summer top for DQ recently. I'm using Elann Esprit and the pattern is the Esprit V-Neck Summer Tank by Flora Yang, a free pattern from the Elann website but it's a little weird to me and I've been stalled. I think that it's the dropped stitches. Maybe I just need to focus.

9. Kippah #7 is half way finished. Crochet is so simple, quick, and easy compared to knitting. I'm still not sure I'll finish on time. There's still at least 73 more kippot to make.
10. Here's a Stella D'Oro lily from my yard. We've got a lot of these in front of my house. When they're blooming I'm tempted to add even more.

11. This is a statue of Lieutenant-Colonel John By that overlooks the Rideau Canal in Ottawa. He supervised the construction of the canal which played a pivotal role in the development of Canada. According to a plaque near this statue, Ottawa was originally called Bytown in his honor.

13. Look at that second picture. Is that a happy face? A proud face? The face of a man you'd name a city for? The way that he's smirking looks kind of wry to me. It looks like he's thinking "Let's get this over with."
14. Today is my fourteenth anniversary. Who'd a thunk it? Happy anniversary B!
B at Car Show


  1. Happy Anniversary! Our 11th is on Saturday.

  2. Happy Anniversary! You are one busy knitter!


So what do you think?