Jun 5, 2008

The Garden Report 2008

Thank you all so much for your nice comments about my "K". It's so nice when a project that's been with you for so long is finally unveiled and appreciated.

This year I had high hopes for my garden. We were going to tear out a large and annoying ewe to enlarge our garden space and then we were going to create retaining walls to define the bed better and plant a fabulous variety of heirloom veggies and flowers started from seeds we bought last year at Monticello.
We did have the ewe removed and I lined up my slave labor to assist with my big Mothers Day project for 2008 and then the rains came. And they never stopped. Finally, I ran out to the local garden store, grabbed a few little plants, stuck them in the ground between downpours and considered myself lucky. Better luck next year.

Above you can see my herbs. These were all planted last year and they are thriving and providing us with delightful scents and flavorful foods. Fromt front to back we have lavender, savory, rosemary, and sage.
Here's something new... cantaloupe . I grew these last year too but I had a small problem determining when it was ripe enough to pick. This year my goal is to pick it and eat it before it rots on the vine.
The cantaloupe is a slow starter but there are other plants that are off to a fast and very promising start. Like my zucchini and my green peppers. Not only are those flowers pretty - they're a sign of yummy things to come.

There's a newcomer in the garden this summer too. Tomatoes! I didn't get any last year because I don't like fresh tomatoes but this year I planted them because I hope to make sauce and cook with them.



  1. Baby squash with the blossom still attached is such a treat!

  2. Your garden is growing beautifully.

  3. I'm starting to understand the gardening bug a little bit better! I moved into a house with a really nice garden and now I've been trying to add some of my own. I'd love to be able to grow food, but it sounds too daunting.


So what do you think?