Aug 22, 2008

My DC - Week 26

Stinkerbelle has been going to camp here in the DC for the past 2 weeks so she has been commuting in with me each day. It's been so nice to have the extra bit of time with her - just the two of us. Her camp is in a different part of the city and that's been a nice thing too because we all know how much I love to explore my city.
Today I present the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial

It's found at the Judiciary Square Metro Station. You emerge from the station into a plaza between 2 shaded walkways. At the ends of the walks are lions perched protectively watching their young. It's a nice metaphor for the way that law enforcement officers protect us.
The low walls lining the walkways are carved with the names of fallen officers and at each end, beneath the lions, are quotations. One reads "It is not how these officers died that made them heroes it is how they lived." Another is shown below.

Finally in the center of the plaza is a medallion.

Today my house will finally return to normal for real. DQ comes home after spending 2 weeks in Connecticut at my sisters house. As she noted, she's only spent one night in her bed in the past 6 weeks. We'll all be really happy to have her home.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I love all the monuments in DC. Have a great family reunion!


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