Aug 29, 2008

My DC - Week 27

I've wanted to share this building with you all for the longest time. It's one of my favorites. Maybe it's the red brick (which I've admitted to being a sucker for) or the grand spaces inside. Whatever the reason I just love this place and that feeling has grown recently as Stinkerbelle attended camp here. Now this is truly part of My DC.


I've featured shots of the interior before that I took when we attended the Family Day celebration that is held here every year to kick off the Cherry Blossom Festival. It was during the festivities this year that I heard about the summer program there. We knew right away that it was just the thing for Stinkerbelle and signed her up for World Builders. For 2 weeks she explored the architecture and culture of places like Africa, Spain and Japan through visits to museums, the zoo, and hands on activities. At the end the parents were invited in to see samples of their work and hear about what they learned. It was fabulous and I highly recommend it.

The shot of the building you see above is what I saw every day as I exited the Metro right across the street to drop Stink off and pick her up. What you can't see there is the terracotta frieze that wraps around the exterior. I took a whole series of pictures of it and created a mosaic for you. Isn't it gorgeous? Look at the details and the feeling expressed.

The Building Museum

I adore this building and all of it's warmth and beauty. I'm very jealous of the behind the scenes tour that Stink got. They even got to go on the catwalk way up in the 4th level of the great hall. I'm sure that she could tell you lot's of fascinating things about it but if you're really interested then you can read all about it here.

Have a great weekend!


  1. I adore red brick buildings and the large grey ones too. There's so very little of that here. That's a gorgeous building.


So what do you think?