Sep 26, 2008

My DC - Week 31

It''s a stormy day here in the city today but here's a picture that I took on a bright, clear spring day many months ago. The statue stands in the middle of Thomas Circle which is just a quick walk from my office. It's of George Henry Thomas.
I've been up there to take pictures often because I want to get them just right.


I've been up there to take pictures often because I want to get them just right. There are 2 churches and this is one of them.


I go up there with my camera and I walk around and around trying to get just the right angle. I'm still not satisfied with the pictures I have of the other chruch. It's a gorgeous brick building so I've really got to get that one right.



  1. Your workplace surroundings are a lot better than mine...I love looking at yours. My boring suburban office park is just one big expanse of asphalt and flat concrete. BLAH!

  2. Great pictures of blue sky on a gray sky day!


So what do you think?