Oct 30, 2008

NaKniSweMo Prep

Startitis MittsThe knitting frenzy continues. Both the Noro Scarf and the Helena baby sweater are nearing completion and I'm maintaining a respectable pace with the kippot so until last night I was in a really good position for NaKniSweMo. Then startitis struck again. One minute I was sitiing on the couch happily working on the Noro Scarf and the next minute there was the start of a blue mitten in my lap. I really have no excuse. It just kind of happened but it's ok because it's just a pair of mittenns and they're a nice, portable project. A knitter should never be without a take-along project.

DSC_0229Before I sat down to knit last night I did one last check of my NaKniSweMo supplies. I'm planning to knit the Tangled Yoke Cardigan for my grandmother. If I succeed in doing this during November it would be really cool since she asked for the sweater last Thanksgiving. I'd love to be swatching this project but I have no clue what gauge will actually be. The yarn I'm using, Plymouth Tweed, is not what was called for and Aylin, the owner of the shop I bought it at worked out the math for me to make it come out right. She told me to knit it as written, according to the instructions for the smallest size and it would work out to be the size I need which is a bit larger. Um... ok. My math sucks so I'm going to have to trust that hers is good and knit on faith. Wish me luck.

I'm really looking forward to NaKniSweMo and challenging myself. I'm not sure that watching the progress of one simple sweater will be great blog fodder but never fear. I'm still suffering from startitis so I'm sure that there will be other things in progress. I have at least 2 more baby sweaters up my sleeve and my holiday knitting has only just started. Full speed ahead.


  1. I'm going to be doing NaKniSweMo this year as well, but I foresee some roadblocks. It's a sweater for Rudi that I want to give him for Christmas, so I can't knit it in front of him. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, and I'd just work on it during lunches and at knit group. But we're going to France for 10 days... I wonder if it's really actually possible to knit a sweater in half a month...

  2. I suck at the alongs so I'm skipping this one too. Good luck getting the sweater done!

    I'm seriously fighting the call of startitis myself. Other than the cowl, I can feel the call of at least 3 other sweaters for me, a baby sweater and 4 teacher projects. Ugh.

  3. I'm starting out behind the eight ball as I don't have the yarn or the pattern. There isn't anything wrong with deviating from the course as long as you don't end up too far off track. It will be fun!

  4. I don't know about DC - but it has been frigid here in MN - so mittens are a FANTASTIC idea.

  5. Good luck with NaKniSweMo. I might try NaKniVestMo instead.

  6. Enjoy the challenge! I am going for it, too.


So what do you think?