Oct 22, 2008

Thoughts of Warmth

Fall has finally arrived. Over the past few weeks we've seen temperatures here in the 70's and 80's but last weekend we saw the first frost and today it's finally jacket weather. I'm feeling inspired.


I stared this cowl, the Birthday Cowl by Nova Seals, a little over a week ago and it should be done by now because the pattern is really easy. I'm not a project monogamist though so I alternate between 3 or 4 projects on any given day and as a result stuff takes longer than it ought to. It's ok though because I love variety. Now that the weather has turned I'll concentrate on this a bit more. I think that if I focus then it could be done by the time I leave the office today and that would be a good thing because it's chilly out there.

I've got a few other things in my bag today - mostly yarn in search of projects. Ever since I finished Sahara I've been dying to cast on another big thing but I really want to do NaKniSweMo this year so I'm trying to keep the needles freer than usual. I'm sure that the current baby sweater, one of the gift scarves, and the cowl will be done within the next week so right now I just need one or 2 small, no-pressure projects. Stuff that could stand to be put aside for a month when I dive in to NaKniSweMo ifnecessary. The cooler weather has me thinking about warm hands so maybe I can whip off a pair of gifty mittens or fingerless gloves. I think it's do-able.


  1. Beautiful cowl. They are perfect for handspun, I think. The Genmaicha mitts are fast.

  2. LOVE the yarn - is it something you've spun? Its beautiful...

  3. OH!! I have been searching and searching for the perfect cowl for some yarn that PumpkinMama spun for me....

    THANK YOU!!!


So what do you think?