Nov 3, 2008

Scary Stuff

DSC_0240After a really cold week it warmed up to create the perfect setting for some of our weekend activities. Trick or treating on Friday night was great. We were joined by a bunch of friends and had so much fun. The kids collected candy and we all saw some really spooky stuff.

DSC_0247We live in a neighborhood where there are lots of kids and many families get really into decorating for Halloween. We saw yards full of tombstones, tons of gaudy lights and bats flying in trees. There was even one house with an elaborate haunted garage complete with strobe lights, smoke, a maze and costumed figures jumping out at us. It was spooky but not nearly as scary as this display in one yard. Supposedly the man of the house is a righty and is convinced that his wife will vote with him but I sense a bit of denial. Can you imagine the tension in this house today, on the eve of the election? Oy!

The weather was also wonderful for Stinkerbelle's last softball game of the fall season. They didn't have a fabulously successful season. Ok, they lost every game. But still, they all improved quite a lot and they had fun. Most importantly, Stinky is looking forward to playing again in the Spring.


Sadly the weather got quite a bit colder on Sunday and it put a damper on DQ's enjoyment of her weekend outing with the Girl Scouts. They went for a horseback tour of Gettysburg. I think the thrill of staying in a hotel with her 2 friends and NO ADULT CHAPERONE in their room made up for it. (Their were adults in the rooms with the younger girls nearby)

I achieved a few personal goals this weekend too. One of them relates to NaKniSweMo. I cast on Saturday night and went to bed exasperated because I ran out of yarn befoe I got 220 stitches. The next morning I woke up and ripped it back and tried again and was sucessful his time. Yay! then I consulted the pattern and realized that I only needed 202 stitches which I had the night before. Ugh! The moral of the story is not to cast on for stuff while watching SNL. It's too late and too distracting.


Thankfully now I'm chugging along so we'll see how it goes.


  1. Sounds like you guys had a great weekend. I've had projects that have fitful starts and it's very discouraging. Hope you're on the right track now.

  2. The color you've chosen for the TYC is lovely.


So what do you think?