Dec 25, 2008

My DC - Week 43

Last week I told you about a long lunchtime walk I took. Well here is my destination. This the the Einstein Statue that stands on the grounds of the National Academy of Arts and Sciences. I just love it.


Here's a closeup of his face. It's so expressive.


Can you see what's on his book? I wish I'd been able to take a better shot of it.


We're off to NY for a quick visit to celebrate my grandfather's 90th. Sadly I can't take my new wheel with me but I'll be back to play with it and tell you all about it on Monday. Till then, have a great one!


  1. New wheel? You're such a tease!

  2. Fabulous! He's one of my favorite people. Sounds like someone got a great gift :)


So what do you think?