Jan 8, 2009

January Randomness

What's one step beyond random? Whatever it is that's where I am right now. How about unfocused? Here's my unfocused Thursday.
  • Stinkette is learning all about drugs and smoking and peer pressure in school lately. Last night she suddenly launched into a discussion about it as she sat on the couch with me. She was explaining it all to me with such zeal. The peer pressure aspect was especially interesting to her and she gave me several what if's. I was struck by how big my baby is getting and how much I wish she'd stay little for a while longer. It was all I could do not to squeeze her in a huge hug.
  • I hate driving in the rain. Snow is surprisingly fine with me but the rain makes me very nervous and at night.... I worry every minute I'm on the road. Wouldn't you know that the one night of the week that I have the most driving to do it absolutely poured buckets? This is the second recent Wednesday that this has happened to me. I slowed way-the-heck down (which is saying a lot) and turned the radio down. I really, really hope that next Wednesday is dry.
  • I'm so flattered by the confidence everyone has in my ability to finish all my lace on time. I'm going to do my best to live up to expectations.
  • Only 3 kippot to go. I had hoped to have them all done by New Years Eve but I got seriously sidetracked by Grandma's sweater.
  • Speaking of that sweater, Grandma called the other day to say that she finally had a chance to wear it about and it's perfect. Yay! I smiled all day.
  • Why is it that every time I cross something off my to do list something else takes it's place?


  1. The reflections are much worse in rain and it's hard to see what's real. I agree it can be much harder to drive in than snow.
    One reason I don't make lists...they are never ending. ;-D

  2. I think you're a good driver and I'm sure you handle the rain just fine. As for the last thing you wrote - YEAH. I think it's true of all of us.

  3. but is your grandfather wearing his socks?


So what do you think?