Jan 14, 2009

Last FO of '08

Here is Stinkette rocking my last finished object of 2008.


If it looks kind of familiar it's because it was made to match the cowl I recently made for her. Please ignore the nasty look on her face. My girl is not a morning person at all. The picture above was taken over the weekend when the light was good but the cowl was lost. Hubbo finally found it and I convinced her to model the set for effect but her cooperation didn't extend to smiling.


I started with Kirsten Kapur's Chickadee Cowl pattern but I reduced it to 67 stitches (I could've used about 4 more) and knit the linen stitch for 2 inches before purling 3 rows. Then I switched to Manos Del Uruguay Cotton Stria in black wich I held double while knitting in stockinette for about 6 inches before decreasing through the crown of the hat.

I'd never used the Cotton Stria before and found it very nice and soft. The texture of it also worked well with the Fiesta Zuni. Although you can't tell from the pictures, Stinkette really likes both pieces and now that we've hit a serious cold snap she's using them happily. That's the point anyway.


  1. That second picture cracks me up.

  2. Neither of my kids even border on cooperative until 11AM - I feel for their teachers.

  3. I'm loving that set (and Stinkerbelle's expression in that morning picture).


So what do you think?