Feb 6, 2009

ECF - Orchid Edition

In the days leading up to the big event my girls and I found ourselves at the local garden center where I was taken with the orchids. They were just dazzling.
Orchids in January

PS. Is it just me or was the big, hugely hyped Grey's/Private Practice crossover thing last night a big dissappointment. There was very little crossover and I feel a little used. How about you?


  1. Gorgeous orchid! I don't watch those shows so I can't say but I know it's hugely popular.

  2. Oh that is a gorgeous flower! I have to admit, I haven't seen either show this season.

  3. Superb photograph! Thanks so much for sharing...the color is wonderful!

  4. How is the new Spinderella (cousin to Charlotte) doing? Working her kinks out?

  5. I totally feel gypped! At 11PM I thought an hour was just wasted I'll never get back. No cross over at ALL.

  6. What a beautiful orchid!

    I also feel ripped off about the so called cross over.


So what do you think?