Jul 20, 2009


My girls have been away for one week now and already I've been to the post office 3 times and I expect to go again today. I guess that as long as they keep sending requests for stuff I'll keep sending it. In a strange way, sending forgotten skirt, belts and shampoo as well as little treats I think they'll like makes having them away easier.


Since they've been away it seems like Bruce and I have been non-stop busy. It's like we're trying to fit a whole year of stuff in while they're away. We've enjoyed fine dining, saw a great movie, got a nifty new toy and we're not nearly done yet.


About my new toy - it's not what I thought it would be but it totally rocks! We went out last weekend with three little initials in mind but we went to check out a few other possibilities just so we could say we had. You know, we wanted to pretend it wasn't pre-determined and that we had an open mind about what new toy to get. It turns out that we were more open minded than we thought.


Imagine my surprise when I took the first toy on my list out for a spin and fell head over heels. The sucker got out of it's way in a hurry, had a rocking sound system and it has enough bells and whistles to keep me busy for a long time. I love me some bells and whistles.


And they had a blue one. I really wanted a blue one! Oh joy!

The more we thought about it the more we realized that it was really the right toy for us. Better price. More reliable. And it totally rocks!

We went to look at the toy we thought we wanted but we never even tried it. We didn't need to anymore. The decision was made.




  1. Congratulations on the new car!

  2. Nothing quite like a new car - congratulations!


So what do you think?