This weekend was all about preparing my girls for school. Clothes were bought, hair got cut and I can safely say that they will be well-supplied and look fan-freakin-tastic. I may be a little bit biased though. Now they are enjoying their last week of freedom before classes begin.
I also did quite a bit of knitting focused mostly on a certain vest. No pictures yet but I did hit a milestone. There is hope that hubbo may be wearing the vest by his birthday... and for every damn day of the next year. You think I'm kidding?
I also finished a sock. It's a very cute sock in a lovely pattern that works very well with the yarn. Sadly I have very low expectations for the yarn. I have a habit of using the extra cast on ends to mark the starting point of the sock. I just tie it up loosely doubled or tripled to shorten it so that it doesn't get abused. Simple yet effective. I've never had a problem with it until now.
When I untied this yarn I found it super fuzzy. Ridiculously so. It's not as if I was dragging it along the ground or anything but that's how it looks. I wish I had a picture but the battery in my point & shoot is dead and the DSLR was unavailable. Just picture the fuzziest yarn you've ever seen - like mohair or fun-fur. It's that bad. Just imagine what'll happen to these socks. Ugh!
What I didn't do is go to the pool, wash the car, weed or do just about anything at all outside. It's a shame too because the weather this week is supposed to be getting a bit more fall-like. Good for getting in a back-to-school frame of mind but not so much for going to the pool.
Dale starts school tomorrow and Hannah goes back on Wednesday. And Dale starting school means I'll be getting up at 5am again. UGH.