Sep 8, 2009

Ten on Tuesday - '10 Bad Habits You Can't Break'

Who doesn't have a few bad habits? The better question is who will admit to them. Here are a few that I can admit to.
  1. Being messy - I've never, ever been a neat person and my tendency towards mess hasn't gotten any better with age.
  2. Procrastination - This may have something to do with #1. Why put something away now if you can do it later.
  3. TV - I watch way too much television. It just sucks me in.
  4. Getting distracted - I cannot carry on a conversation if the TV is on or if there is much else going on around me. I tend to get distracted and forget what I was saying.
  5. I talk too much - Uncharacteristically, I have nothing to add to this one.
  6. Not exercising - I have been meaning to take a class or start riding my bike or something but I'd much rather be knitting or reading or watching TV.
  7. Making bad food choices - Cheese, Starbucks, an ice cream call to me constantly. Veggies - not so much. I'm working on this one but it's a rough go.
  8. Driving too fast - 0-60 in 7 seconds. Oh yesssss! I really wish I could convince the authorities that I am a much better driver at 80 than I am at 55. Until I do I'll try to keep it legal-ish.
  9. Playing my music too loud - With the windows and the roof open and a kickin' sound system... is there really any other way?
  10. Buying stuff - Yarn mostly. I just cannot resist a deal or really pretty yarn.

That was wayyyyy too easy.


  1. I see myself in several of those. I could certainly make quite a long list of habits that it would be in my best interest to break, but if I am not ready to tackle them, the list just mocks me.

  2. I don't exercise much, either, and I understand. But I have to disagree about talking too much. I have never thought that about you


So what do you think?