Sep 21, 2009

VIP Market

Last week's Eye Candy Friday shot came courtesy of a new farmer's market near my office. I'm really excited because it's so convenient and it'll run through October 29th. But the first day was a little special. Can you tell it was unusual? How often do you find Secret Service perched on top of trucks at your local farmer's market?

Not your every day farmers market

We don't get a lot of that either. Only when our First Lady Michelle Obama is on hand to kick things off. It was a gross, rainy, day but lot's of people showed up to see her.

VIP Shopper

I can already tell that I'm going to have troulble with this little market. I am a cheese addict and there are THREE cheese vendors there. Oh no! And look, goat cheese!!! I love, love, love goat cheese. I took home a log of that Bouche Noire. Yummy.

Mmmm goat cheese

This week I'll try to balance it better with fruit and veggies.

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