Oct 13, 2009

Ten on Tuesday - 10 Things You Love About Fiber Festivals

The topic for today's Ten on Tuesday is supposed to be 10 Things That Make You Feel Old but who really wants to dwell on that? Right? So, since it worked well for us last week, Carole and I decided to go our own way again and this time we're thinking of 10 Things You Love About Fiber Festivals. This is the perfect topic for a day when I'm counting the minutes till I leave for Rhinebeck.

  1. Yarn - I love the variety that I find at a fiber festival. It's such a feast for my senses - the colors, the feel and sometimes even the smells.
  2. The Tools - I love wood and at a fiber festival I get to see gorgeous woods that have been turned into amazingly beautiful tools. Some of the wheels and spindles are just gorgeous.
  3. People Watching - I love to do this just about anywhere but events like this bring out the cool and the crazy better than anythng else.
  4. Good Friends and Family - sharing the experience makes it that much better. In the past I've gone to fiber festivals with my good friend Felicia and my daughter Lindsey. Rhinebeck will be extra fun because I'll be sharing it with my sister. It could get interesting because she doesn't knit at all! Hmmmm.
  5. The Fresh Air - Fiber festivals tend to be out in the country and it feels so fresh and inviting out there.
  6. The Scenery - Again, countryside equals beauty. It's so nice to get away from the 'burbs and see wide open spaces.
  7. Sheep - Looking at the livestock is so much fun. All those sweet sheepy faces.
  8. DSC_0531
  9. Food - I've heard that the food at Rhinebeck is great but even at it's worst, fair food is fun.
  10. Seeing New Things and Demos - the Sheep Dog trials, the weavers, the folks with the sock knitting machines and so much more - these are examples of things I've seen at fiber festivals. You just never know what you'll see.
  11. Being Among People Who Speak Your Language - Where else but a fiber festival can you knit in line, fondle yarn, and wear wool in May without having people think your weird. Fiber people just get you.


  1. Great list and very similar to mine. No surprise there! Can't wait to see you. 3 more sleeps.

  2. Is that the sort of haircut that sheep normally have or was that for show?


So what do you think?