Nov 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday Brought To You By The Letter "F"

DSC_0776A funny thing happened last weekend. I was driving Stinkette and her friends somewhere and idly listening to their conversation when suddenly it turned to my grandfather. Stink was proudly telling her buddies that her great grandfather should compete in driving competitions. In all fairness, he's as good a good driver as any in Queens, NY which is to say that he is impatient, knows all the sidestreets, and makes use of them to avoid traffic at all costs. What he isn't is a slowpoke and apparently my daughter has picked up on this.
Apparently she really wanted to press her point, or maybe her friends weren't geting it because the next thing I knew she was telling them about how young her Zaydie acts saying that he seems about 20 but really he's 90. Can you even imagine describing a 90 year old man as seeming like he's 20? It's had me smiling all week and it brings me to the first thing on my list for this Thankful Thursday:
  1. I am thankful that my girls are getting to experience my grandparents the way I did - as vibrant, fun and interesting. It is truly a rare gift. Sure my grandfather doesn't climb trees or chase after the ice cream truck anymore but he sings and dances, tells silly stories, plays games, and keeps up with my girls just fine. It's nice to know they appreciate it.
  2. I am also thankful for the internet. Go ahead and laugh but it's true. My evening knitting has slowed lately because I'm busy playing online Scrabble with my sister who lives hundreds of miles away. No matter where my siblings may find themselves, NY, Connecticut, Italy, Korea, or Indiana - the internet has kept us close. I see videos of my year old niece learning to climb and I hear my nephew wishing me happy birthday on the Monkey Mail.
  3. My friends also make me feel thankful. Near and far they make me laugh and give me comfort. These days it seems like they're there wherever I go. The supermarket or on the street. Now they're there when I open my laptop at home too. Friends from High School and College and all kinds of places I've been.

So there it is, my list of 3 things I'm thankful for today. It all boils down to friends and family.


  1. Your girls are lucky to have all these relatives!

  2. What a great story! Your girls really are lucky to have active, involved great-grandparents.

  3. That is a wonderful list.


So what do you think?