Dec 10, 2009

A Gift In Time

About a month ago a friend casually asked if I'd started making my knitted gifts for this year yet. Um, no. Truthfully knitting gifts was the furthest thing from my mind at that point. I probably ought to have left it at that.

IMG_2963[1]Hanukkah starts tomorrow and this is what the one and only gift I am making this year looks like. A blue blob with a bit of yellow. I think it's safe to say that it will not be finished in time to mail to Indiana for "on time" delivery. On the positive side I can safely post this picture of it because it still looks nothing at all like it's supposed to. Is it for my brother? My sister-in-law? My niece? For now it's a mystery.

As much as I'd love to have this to it's destination on time I'm not stressing over this lonely unfinished gift. I'll just keep knitting away and aim to get it to the destination before Hannukah ends. Or not. The key is to keep this holiday season stress free.


  1. We've been dreaming of a knit blue blob for more time than I can say! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! And that yellow trim is absolutely the perfect shade - it will keep our teapot so cozy!

  2. Holiday knitting just isn't worth the stress.


So what do you think?